Sunday, December 6, 2009

Zane Speaks Again

Last week I told you a bit about myself; let me now tell a bit about my family. There are 12 of us here at the homestead, plus mom and dad. Sometimes there are more, like when we get a "foster" dog. That happens sometimes when someone finds a lost dog, mom and dad will keep it until the owner is found. Once a lady had to stay in a hospital for a while, and her two dogs stayed with us until she could take them home again.

Well, about the permanent crew: we have Zelda, she's the overachiever I mentioned last time we talked. Then there's Zack, the wuss that always has a bad hair day. Mom says his dad must have been a Brillo pad. And there's Zinnia. You know how humans tell blonde jokes? Well, Zinnia should have been blonde. She just doesn't have much upstairs. She and Zola are what mom calls the "wide bodies". They're both long hairs, and chubby. In fact, they look square, and have to be on a special diet.

Then there's Zarra, who won't talk about her life before she came here; we think she was owned by a hoarder. She's had lots of puppies and is on special medication called 'glucosomine' to help her joints.

Maybe I'll let some of them be guest editors in the weeks to come, and they can tell their own stories, and even insert their pictures. (You will see what I have to put up with.)

The rest? There's Zia who looks like a sewer rat, Zeus who we think was sired by an armadillo, Mr. Harry, who has no hair, Zipper and Petey who are just little brown dogs, and the favorite, Licorice, the teacup.

It's a tough job, keeping all of them in line, somebody's gotta do it.
(Editor's note:Next week, Zelda will tell her story.)

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