Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Big Guy Talks

I've got a story to tell; just because I'm the biggest dog here, some of the others think I'm different, and maybe not as smart as they are.

My first owners bought me from a "back yard breeder" who was selling us in the Wal Mart parking lot. They said I was a chihauhua, but I'm not.

The guy was in the military, so he was away a lot, so the lady had to take care of me, and she had two little kids under the age of 3, so she didn't have time for me. To this day, I cannot stand the screeching little voices of children, and their sticky, probing little hands.

Well, the inevitable happened: they were transferred, and decided they couldn't take me along. Fortunately, the contacted the vet to try to find a home for me. One of the techs at the clinic called my new parents, because they knew these people rescued chi's. Notice, no one recognized I wasn't a chihauhua.

My new parents took me home and kept me. I don't know if I fit in because I'm 18 pounds, and the rest are so much smaller, but we all get along. My mom and dad have taken me to doggie training classes, so I know how to walk on a leash, sit, wait, and all those things they teach good doggies.

I'm a good dog.

1 comment:

Blog Editor said...

Hey Big Guy, Where's your Mugshot? Zane won't let you post a picture cause you're too big to be a Chi?