Saturday, January 2, 2010

Zack's Dangerous Adventure

Zack here. Let me tell you about my close call on Wednesday morning. As usual, dad and I walked down the driveway to get the morning paper. But wait! there in the driveway was the biggest javalina I've ever seen. He must have weighed 500 pounds! I tried to tell him to leave, but apparently he took exception to my barking, because he came after me. Man, that sucker was fast. I hadn't stopped barking when he TUSKED me! I thought I was a goner.

Dad yelled at him, and threw gravel, but the damage was done. His tusk entered above my rib cage and came out below my shoulder.

Dad took me to the vet and Dr. Ioska said she'd seen worse, but that wasn't too comforting. She cleaned the wound and put in that terrible drain and gave me some really good pain killers. On Monday I will go see her again to have the drain removed and some more stitches. I wonder if I need plastic surgery....

(Editor's note: Javalina (havaleena) range from Arizona to Argentina, and can weigh up to 80 pounds. They will eat almost anything, but prefer native vegetation, especially prickly pear cactus. They are not pigs, but collared peccaries.)

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